Vancouver Island 
Metaphysical Network

Although not part of Unity's teachings, the opinions expressed by our guest speakers are often of great interest to the those who are attracted to Unity's teachings. Topics have included Near Death Experiences, Mediumship and Sacred Geometry as well as a variety of alternative healing modalities.  The opinions expressed do not represent Unity's teachings and are presented for interest only.

The Equinox - A Time of Change.
Are  You Celebrating or Resisting?

Wednesday, September 22 at 7:00 p.m.
In Person  $7
On Zoom  $5

Helena Green

Helena Green is a Master Practitioner in Clinical Counselling, Registered Professional Counsellor, Certified Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner, Certified Energy & Somatic Psychology and(EFT) Practitioner

She is the author of "Anxiety Therapy at Home:  Dancing with your Shadow"

For in-person tickets:

For Zoom tickets: